Saturday, February 26, 2005
Today's movie: DOWN BY LAW (1986) didn't quite land on all its wheels with the critical aristocracy but it is a happy, weird, and often wonderful walk through the lives of some dedicated losers who happen to end up pretty well.
There are a lot of echoes of 'Waiting for Godot' here and so, if you take the film literally, there is liable to be a lot of pushing and pulling for it to get somewhere.
On the other hand, if you lay back and take it in on its own terms it is very enjoyable. The time test got a high rating; whether it seemed to drag or not. It didn't drag. This is the bane of plotless films and there is essentially no plot in this.
The actors are great and well placed. Tom Waits is one of the losers and also sings the 'title' song. We just saw John Lurie without knowing it in Desperately Seeking Susan Roberto Benigni was an unknown at the time. Ellen Barken makes an early 'cameo' appearance as a pissed off lover.

Jarmusch is an interesting guy. We liked the Johnny Depp film Dead Man very much. It didn't make the Best 1176 Films but we will see his earlier film which did: Stranger Than Paradise when we get to the S's.; in about ten years.
He is more highly appreciated overseas than in the USA. He reminds me of Sam Fuller in this respect. It is a similar vibe. The mean and gritty.
Through the years, Jarmusch has made a series of shorts that are compiled now in a feature. I have put Coffee and Cigarettes at the top of the queue. I want to see it while I am in a Jarmusch frame of mind.
As I said, this is a NY Times Best 1176 Film and I will give it a 4 out of Netflix 5.