Wednesday, February 16, 2005
A name to strike fear in the heart of a movie goer; Buñuel. Today we saw the NYTime 'Best' 1176Film Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie / The Discreet Charm of the bourgeoisie (1972).
It is hard going because it does not mean a whole lot. It is intentionally absurd. People keep going somewhere then step back. They have dreams and then awaken to reality. Blah blah.
It is sort of fun to watch but there is no really clever cinematography or other diversions to keep one's attention sharp. Just a series of events, mishaps, and so on. Very French.
It may be a best or great film but, for me, it rates a 2 out of Netflix5.
Take that Luis!
I am reminded of the old jive song 'Hands Up Louis, Drop That Gun'.
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