Sunday, February 06, 2005
I am not the only person who is out of the Super Bowl loop.
I went for a Franklin walk and there were lots of people out there in cars and walking. Actually, it was only a few minutes ago that I 'got' that it was on. The first quarter. No score.
I have to admit there was a house with a party going on but I didn't put two and two together. Four quarters.
I suppose I make too much of being a non-sports-fan. It is the anti-sports equivalent of the kind of guy who goes to a park and bangs those plastic tubes together or has a big finger. If I was really into sports, the anti-anti-sports guy, I would be one of them that paints their body the team colors.
I was once called counter-dependent. Another time, a contrarian. And that was to my face. But, when it comes to football, I just don't get it.
That is actually the problem. Baseball is the only game that I have even a mild grasp of the rules. Basketball, hockey, football and even soccer, which I am told is pretty simple, eludes me.
OK. That is my Super Bowl take. Well, no there is one more thing. You know what really annoys me? It's that stupid roman numeral thing. What's with that anyway?
I guess it is a bit like the colosseum and the gladiators and all. Roman history. But somehow, I don't think that the NFL is that sophisticated. Is it the NFL or does someone else sponsor this?
I think that they started it when they didn't really know it would last into eternity and now they are stuck with it.
OK. I will stop. Except for one thing. My whole back east family is totally backing the Patriots; local team. So today I am a Patriot's fan.
Where's the paint brush?