Saturday, January 22, 2005
This was the third consecutive week of losses in the US stock markets; the first time since 1982 when both blue chips and NASDAQ both had losses over the first three months of the year.

This is normally considered a time when the market chirps up and buys for the new year. Not so this year.
I am not much of a day to day follower of these things. I am in for the long haul and only a part of my nest eggs are in stocks, but I can tell you that this kind of thing makes old placid me nervous.
If I were a guy who had another piece in the market through my social security, I would be very concerned. This is just the INsecurity that people will feel if the bushies get their hands on SS and privatize it.
You know, they hate that word. Bush has used it a few times and now denies it. But that is what it is.
Actually, this is not an issue that worries me in the least. It will not come in my time. But I think that young people who think putting their most fundamental nest egg in the hands of the wall street predators will give them anything but grief are going to be woefully disappointed.