Sunday, January 30, 2005
We live two hours from downtown LA but still feel a part of it. We 'take' the LA Times which is now recognized as one of the top three papers in the country (NYT and WaPo are the other two).
I mostly read the National and State news as well as all the opeds and features but it is impossible not to get swept into the other stories. Most days I even read the SPORTS! Unprecedented.
Today, we see that LA continues to be one of the last holdouts of cities that will not kiss the NFL's ass to get a team. It has become a mark of honor.
See LA's the bait; the NFL still hasn't switched.
I just read of the outlandish moves being made in New Orleans and New York City to pay the way for the helmet heads in a time when there is not enough money for basic municipal services. Forget the starving babies, let's put up a stadium for the multimillionaires. And so on.