Monday, January 17, 2005
This is one of those mornings. A walk through the news of the day on Salon, Yahoo and The New York Times has yielded little for me to get started on.
I thought of mentioning that the young President of MacDonalds who had to step down in November had died. The point in the AP that caught my eye was this:
A charismatic leader who said he ate a McDonald's product most days, Bell was diagnosed with colorectal cancer just weeks after being named to the company's top job in April.
It seemed to me that the article was making a point. I sure got it whether they meant to or not. Then I decided it would be bad taste (hmm) to put it in.
Then there was another article, again AP, that said most people were hopeful about second term bush. After a little digging, it turns out that it is not most people but more like 6 out of 10 and then goes on to show that half the people (more than 6 out of 10) are also worried. Hard to put together. An asskissing article I believe. The press has a way of doing that somehow.
I also saw that bush-bartlett says they will not really ask SSA employees to shill for their privatization program. Uh huh. And incidentally, they do not want the word privatization used even though bush, himself, used the term three times in one sentence last fall. They are such dipshits.
William Safire said in his NYT column that the media should not be such pantywaists. They should speak out more; exercise their responsibility to question government and to balance power. Oh boy. He is retiring.
It is all just so lamentably lame somehow. Same old shit different day.
The Golden Globes didn't move me either.
But I have not read my LA Times yet. That comes later. Perhaps there will be something in there to talk about.