Saturday, January 22, 2005
It is pretty hard to avoid the fallout though. Most of the media and a lot of blogland is consumed with interpreting the speech and extracting meaning that has a practical effect. My take is that there is no practical effect. It is all flummery. Smoke and mirrors. A little bread and a lot of circus. Now you see it now you don't magicianship. Because the republican position has always been 'watch what we do not what we say" (John Mitchell:AG/Nixon), there isn't much point in trying to figure it out. I prefer to watch neither. They will continue to do what they have been doing and try not to let us catch them at it. It has already started in the second edition of the same original book. Money and power first, then some decommissioning of the New Deal and any part of the Johnson and Clinton legacies they can get their hands on. I didn't forget Carter, I just don't think there was a legacy. The problem underlying all of this is the utter ineptness of the bushies in almost all they do. The war, the economy, the bureaucracy. They have even managed to fuck up the unfuckable. Look at the FDA debacle; incompetence and riddled with undue influence. The same for the National Institute of Health. These used to be untouchables. Now they are just a part of the 'game'.It is still a blur to me as I avoided direct connection. The inaugural address and all the flummery around it just pained me so much, I averted my eyes.