Saturday, January 29, 2005
I was walking with Franklin today and got a call from Dave. In the midst of the call, my battery gave out. I had forgotten to rev it up the night before. Dead silence.
This is not a big deal. It happened before. I know that it is just the phone's way of protecting my data and all. It shuts down before all the power leaks.
Knowing this does not still the nervous quaver I feel at the possibility that it is a goner for all time. The other thing I thought today was that Dave might think a car hit me or something.
Back home again, I called him back on John's phone and put myself back into play. He had not considered vehicular manslaughter; rather that I had run out of my 'zone'. Anyway, I am charging the phone as I type.
I did not remember how to turn the phone back on again, so I looked it up. Get this. To turn it back ON you hit 'END'. Same to turn it off. But somehow, 'end' doesn't fit the otherwise ergonmetric ease the TG offers. I think this may be why I don't remember it. It is so counterintuitive. But I have the book and a few more lapses in battery discipline will groove it in.
END is ON. I can get used to it.