Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Today's movie lasted about a half hour. Just like Sam Neill, who has to escape a sinking boat, I bailed.
Dead Calm (1989) was a breakout film for the young Nicole Kidman (still with baby fat).
A young wife and an older husband (Sam Neill) are on a sail to heal their grief after loss of a young son. They encounter another boat with Billy Zane on it. He is a psychopath.
It was obvious that there would be a bad time for all and I didn't want to be a part of it.

The circumstances are not totally improbable; just a little contrived.
I would have shot the sonofabitch in the first half hour and had it done with but Sam and Nicole are going to suffer extensively for another hour.
And, I was sure that the cute little black dog was going to end up in a bad way. I could handle Nicole, Sam, and certainly Billy getting mauled around but not the cute black dog.
I will give this NYTimes Best Film (why?) a 2 out of Netflix5. I know why they picked it. It is very tightly edited and beautiful to look at. The horror stuff which starts early is pretty graphic and, I hate to say, innovative. But it is too much for me. I think I am just out of the genré and not the film.