Sunday, January 16, 2005
We had a great time with the family for three days. Now back to business.
I have an idea. Do you suppose that the bushies bullshit (bushit for short) and lies about the social security 'crisis' could be a smoke screen?
Well, "what for"? you might ask. I would answer in a word: "I-rack!".
First of all, let's assume that the chances for passage of the revisions being proposed are about the same as the Clintons' health care initiatives. The forces against this one are formidable and I do not mean the Democrats. I mean AARP, the unions, almost all the advocacy groups for the elderly.

Of course, with the SSA itself now doing politicized propaganda, they might be able to scare enough people on SS to worry and write letters to their congress people; but I doubt it. We pensioners are far too secure to be budged from the status quo. Borrow money to pay my benefits? No way. I already wrote to the SSA and complained about my money being spent for the bushit agenda.
I am not too worried about that one though. We get the mailings and I can tell you that the stuff we got on the 'new' drug benefit program was ineptly written and confusing and incomplete. Poor work. I suspect that the SSA employees who are against doing this kind of thing undermined it.
Now, the smoke screen. Things are way bad over there for the 'coalition forces'. We are coming up to the elections which no one can campaign for without getting killed. We are abandoning the military strategy and looking for options like the guerrilla force and the snatch squad and counter terror and above all, squeezing the genitals of every gook that we capture until s/he tells us what we want to hear. The whole thing is a failure of monstrous proportions.
I can hear Karl and Dick (the big one) now. "Gotta get their attention on something else. Let's go with this crazy self management thing in social security. That will take up more print and air time and keep the fucking liberals busy; the pinko fags. Make it look real. Give junior his script and keep him on message--no problem there--just tell him god is speaking to him. We are gods, huh? Two fat old men. Who would have thought?" And so on.
Sure. Let's dismantle or disarm the most successful federal program ever devised to keep the heat off the failure in I-rack.