Wednesday, January 12, 2005
In one of those Netflix queue coincidences, today's movie was, as yesterday's, about movie making!
Of course, Ed Wood (1994) is as far removed from François Truffaut as one could be. The common thread is their total wild abandon love for film. Orson Welles plays a significant role in both pictures too.
I did not see this one when it came around. Johnny Depp, as usual, inhabits a character so totally that you forget that it is the Depper. He is so far removed from other 'stars' who are really celebrities who continue to play themselves (read Cruise, Pitt, the other biggies).
Martin Landau won best supporting actor for his role as Bela Lugosi. Another job of total immersion in the part. Sarah Jessica Parker is so funny; pre-SexintheCity and probably before her last nose job which I succeeded in forgetting eventually. Bill Murray pulls off a really offensive gay/transexual bit which somehow works as it was pre-Stonewall although this film was not.

All tied up in a pretty package by Tim Burton who is just amazing. He gets to throw some of this signature haunted house stuff in here; the Disney ride thing and it works OK.
One of the Best Films, I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5 because I thought that it went on a bit longer than it should have.