Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Today is the shortest day, ain't? I am glad because it is hard to get out and do the bikeride until about 6:15 and it puts a crunch on the other stuff I gotta do in the morning. A long list. Well. It is not imposed on me. But it is long anyway.
This photo is not in the desert. I put it up because it makes me feel cold. It is cold here without the sun; a thirty degree drop when it sets. So, though there are 70 days, that means 40 nights. Mittens on the bike ride. It sure isn't northeast cold though. Even when I get a good wind chill going churnin' the bike.
I like it. It means that we have seasons just like everyone else. It is just that our winter happens at night. It will be longest tonight. Then it will get shorter as each night takes less time.