Thursday, December 23, 2004
I am trying to get the pool heated up with the solar system. We started yesterday, a cloudy day. But today was sunny and so I got four degrees out of it. It is now at 61.
But, then it is cold this week (65/42 kind of cold) so I will lose a degree or two tonight. It is going to be a slow climb.
We also have a new feature on the rehabbed pool. When we are heating the water we can divert the inflow to pipes in the bottom of the pool so the heat rises through the mass of water. In the old pool, the water just came in about a foot deep and so the bottom took a long time to heat. We had to jump in and churn it. We were the spoon. I do not know what the effect of this new feature will be.
The pool is also covered. Eventually, when things get going, that will give us almost ten degrees on its own. There is inertia in all this but the goal is to get it up to 75-80 by January 13 when Dave and Maureen arrive.
That is about 21 days. That would mean squeezing one degree a day out of it. Possible. And probable. I am keeping records. An obsession. But, do not worry. I will not bother you with a day to day rendition of this. Perhaps weekly. Well. Every other day?