Saturday, December 25, 2004
We have gotten through most of the big day pretty well. It is amusing that so many people talk about 'getting through it' as though the whole exercise is, well, an exercise; arduous and painful and something to be a bit dreaded.
I suppose that a lot of people have a true happiness on the day. I have never quite managed it. Faking it doesn't quite work in any aspect of life. I suppose that is why we have minimized it. First, the religious aspect is nil for us as we are 'none of the above' in the faith or religion category. I always have to heave the caveat in: that don't mean we ain't spiritual or don't believe in a Higher Power. We just don't take anyone else's word for it.
As a pagan festival it stacks up OK. It certainly has been done that way a whole lot longer than anyone has been doing the xmas thing. It is winter. It is near the solstice. The air is clear. It is relatively silent at night. Yes. And what is more, no one tries to run it down your throat.

The other thing is that we do not shop. We are of a mind that if we want something we should get it at the time and if we do not want something we should not have to smile and thank the other person for it as though we did. That alone reduces 90% of my burden around the day as I am a shitty shopper and have no eye or mind for it. I suppose I am mildly or even wildly agoraphobic. The other side of it is that I have never quite gotten the skill of recieving unwanted gifts gracefully. Somehow I manage to put my foot in it somewhere.
So rather than drag our asses through the day, we have lightened up. We did have our stollen this morning. See below there. Tuesday? No last Friday.
We did our normal Saturday routine. We both went to our respective Meetings. I got to see a lot of friends who put that first as well. John went out to lunch with a friend. I came home and took a nap.
Then I dawdled over lunch. Not a usual routine. Somehow it got to be two pm and we did a joint dog walk. Usually that is only Sunday morning or a day I cannot bike because of weather; I do the am with the boys. That was nice.
The turkey breast is in the oven. I made the cranberry sauce yesterday. Stater Brothers are providing the pumpkin pie. Actually, our yule dinner is pretty much like our thanksgiving. Normally there are no desserts but pumpkin is a vegetable you know.
Soon, 'it' will be over. It was a snap. I had a dose of the 'skeezix' yesterday. Some old emotional, nostalgic, dramatic baggage getting dropped. Once you have those kind of feelings through and out you never have to have them again. John had a nice epiphany about his family. We probably got healthier and saner for the day. Nice.