Saturday, December 25, 2004
I suppose every town has it; the one house that has more holiday lights than any other. Ours is over on the other side of town and is reputed to have hit the 8 million mark. They guy starts to build his display in April. He must have a lot of time on his hands.
Each year the display becomes more, more, and then some more. Now it is over the top. You cannot see the house and he has gone to net lights which allow him to get almost full property coverage front, back and one side; all on the street. People come from miles away to see it.
It is nothing like this that shows style and grace. Now it is just all lights. Mass lights.

I think that Dad and Mom are gone and the, now grown up, kid owns the property. All the restraints are gone.
We went and walked around last night. The best new thing is an assemblage (teevees, computers, and so on) of eight life size reindeer and sleigh. The rest is just simply overkill. I even saw a fog machine working in the back yard. We did not go in.
We took Franklin and met two Airedale families. This is always an event because you do not have to explain life with an Airedale. You just stand and smile as the others tell you how their pooch does the same stuff. Franklin loves attention. Don't we all? Other Airedale owners are especially loving.
Franklin's view of the lights? He peed on the sled and reindeer.