
Tuesday, December 21, 2004


I am in my 6th week without any coffee. You may remember that I came up with some intestinal stuff and caffeine was listed as a number one irritator.

With the encouragement of Dave, for one, I just quit drinking the coffee. I did not go cold latté but tapered a bit.

The withdrawal symptoms were not too bad. Some headache. My stomach was already fucked up. I think that I may have had some dizziness but hardly noticeable. It was all over in a few days.

I had some craving for it but not at the level of cigarettes; no way at all. And now it hardly resonates. I think of it occasionally but not in the sense of getting a lift or anything.

I definitely sleep more soundly in the first part of the night; maybe 4-6 hours. I used to have little wake up things that would get me for awhile. I think it was the caffeine. Otherwise, I can report no striking benefit. I am as energized. I do not seem to 'need' that cup on awaking. I am awake and lucid and up and at 'em.

One negative/positive is that I did have trouble meditating without the coffee. I would drift into what 'they' call somnolence. It is a common impediment to sitting. I would just say that I fell asleep sitting there breathing.

Then I realized that I had fallen into some bad habits; an easy chair, a sloppy posture, all that. So I moved to a straight back chair and sat without leaning back. Just me and my spine. Wowser! The way it 'sposed to be. I now am back into the flow. Good karma baby.

I have no 'issue' with caffeine. I really do think it is mostly harmless. I think that it works for people who are a little sleep deprived which I am not. But then, I thought alchohol and cigarettes didn't hurt me either when I was using them to get blotto or nico-high.

Another addiction dropped into the wake. I don't think that there are many left. Well, my self absorption. But that doesn't harm me in any way. Does it?

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