Tuesday, December 28, 2004
For a little perspective in time and size and something else to keep you worrying at 2 AM here comes: When Nature's Wrath Is History's Reminder in today's New York Times.
I betcha it has a lot of stuff you didn't know or perhaps did not want to.
We sit on the edge of one of the 'big ones' that is so fully discussed and illuminated by scientific study that when and if 'it' happens we can go into the hole with the full knowledge of how and why 'it' happened.
Turns out there are a lot of other 'its' out there for which the people on the edge have no clue. They will just fall into the hole wondering whether they left the door open or, well, what?
I don't know that one state is better than another but, in the event, it won't matter as there are only a couple of seconds to consider it anyway. Have some nice flashbacks and let go. If you need some material to fuel your meditation take a look at this tsunami hitting the shore. Don't know where or when; the site is in Dutch or something.