Monday, November 15, 2004
This is another thing to admire about BIll Clinton. His new Library is an unprecedented asset to his 'home' town of Little Rock. He obviously planned it that way. Clinton has always been a master of working the deal that will work for everyone; him included, of course.
This LA Times article tells the story: Boom Echoes Off The Clinton Library.

I also like the little piece about Heifer International. I first heard about this in 1960 when it was a small outfit that, basically, provided Heifers to undeveloped communities all over the world. The idea is that you could build an economy around a small producing cow herd. It worked. They are huge now.
The Library dedication will be this week. It will be a major coup for the Clintons to take some more press away from the cult for, obviously, good purposes. Although he will get attacked for something. We know.
It is a testament to Clinton's abiding power that not one, but two prez-bush's will be there. You cannot believe that they would choose to be, but politics and the balance of the power both Clintons wield demands it. And what is more, Clinton will welcome them and be gracious and generous; the truly American way.
More and more, Clinton is becoming the elder statesman that many of us saw in his young presidency. He will be a towering figure in the difficult days ahead. I love Bill Clinton. Well, you knew that. But this is just one more reason.