Thursday, November 18, 2004

The action is all in pieces; here, there, everywhere at once. The crowds are incredible. There are panoramic shots of the march that show what looks like the whole of Derry! There are some continuing characters to pin it all down. The shots are filled to the brim with people in background; all at full tilt. So realistic! I also had the advantage of subtitles. I have a lot of trouble with the accents.
This was the turning point, for the modern, moderate, ‘civil rights’ movement in Northern Island. British troops were mobilized to control the ‘peaceful’ event. The troops presence inflamed the few young Irish radicals who started to stone them. An elite paratroop group held in reserve was put into play to take on the stone throwers. All control was lost and at the end of the day 13 unarmed civilians were killed.
It was the end of the moderates’ influence and led to the signup of thousands of young Irish men to the militant IRA.
It is odd that in two days, there will be two recreations such as this. The Battle of Algiers is in line. I would bet that somewhere, someone, said ‘let’s make a film in the style of ‘Algiers’ around Bloody Sunday.
This is a New York Times 1176 Best Film and I will give it a 5 out of Netflix5.