
Friday, October 29, 2004


So we have been waiting for the October surprise. There is the flap over the missing explosives at Camp Ca Ca and bush' 72 hour evasion with the answer: which is that it's either the troops' or Kerry's fault OR that it did not happen.

Another surprise is the increase in unemployment today.

There is another economic suprise (well not really) that consumer confidence is down in two surveys.

What else? There is the NASA whistleblower who gave the speech yesterday about how the bushers suppress scientific evidence. He got shushed on greenhouse and decided not to take it anymore.

Then there is Eminem's Mosh which I have seen. I still can't understand most of the words but the graphics are brilliantly nasty to the bush. It is numero uno onna da chahts!

How about the FBI opening a new front investigating Halliburton? Do you think someone 'inside' has it in for the assholes who blame them for everything as well as their crazy Ashcroft super?

Clinton rejoins the fray and pulls Kerry 120,000 people in Billy Penn Square in Philly.

They have to fret that the international watch dog has found 100,000 more Iraqi deaths than the adminininnies have reported. That would translate to more than a million Americans on a percentage basis. But, yeh, they are brown people so........

And there is more.

But, who could top the Boston World Series win? Massachusetts guys on a roll and Theo says take the mo and vote for change. He really did. Wow.

So many October surprises. So little time for Rove to fuck them around into a negative message against Kerry. Even 'masterminds' need a break sometimes. Or some leeway between surprises.

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