Wednesday, October 20, 2004
I am delighted to see that Kerry has no intention of getting Gored when the election results are in: Kerry Strategy: Don't Repeat Gore Mistakes.
No early concession speeches. Swat teams of lawyers and other experts ready to fly in full fuel charter jets to battle ground states. Immediate initiative to form a transition team. In other words, proactive presidency.
It is a little scary that it has come down to this; but I remember the sad spectacle of Gore, being outfoxed at every turn by the predatory weasels of the bush team.
Of course, in the end, it was gore who gored himself. He stood alone with the results. He had lousy advisers and no depth. He lacked all the hired Clinton hands because he was too frightened or proud, or both at the same time, to ask the Big Dog for help. The bushers had the consigliore Baker and all the rest of Poppy's hired guns ready to go.
I do not think that will happen again. There will be a strong fight until it is over; whenever over happens. But it will happen more on Kerry's terms than bush'. What goes around comes around.