Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I have been through the day's slog through the blogs and have a headache from all the issues coming down here in the last two weeks. I am encouraged by the flow of it all. Inch by inch, my man is winning the hearts and minds of the people who count.
John, who is usually a member in good standing of the Pessimist Party, predicts a landslide for Kerry. I am the usual optimist, yet, many days, I get limp over the latest piece of gooper demagoguery, dirty tricks or media laziness.
But I will survive. I have resigned from the debating society. My blog is now working towards an angst free environment.
I have said what I needed to say and am now at peace; waiting for the results. In the meantime, look at this fine picture. Sunday. 10,000 people in a park in Florida. Unscreened. Wearing any tee shirt they want. No bullshit about loyalty oaths. Now, this is winning, no matter how it all turns out in the end.

Let's look closer!