
Saturday, August 28, 2004


This in The LA Times this morning: You have the Opinion; Now Buy the T-shirt. Kerry doesn't sell. I think this means that he is not 'jokable' which means he is taken seriously; which I think is a good thing. The jokes about Clinton were endless. Bush-toys are rife. What does it mean? Well, I suppose it is a referendum of sorts. In a normal universe, serious would trump foolish. But, who says these are normal times?

I have heard dozens of bush jokes and many have come in the email. I have gotten none about Kerry. Now, I have to admit that my social circle is also a political circle. No one I know is going to send me a Kerry joke even if they have seen one. They will self center it. And what few bush-fans I have around me, know better.

Incidentally, this toy is out of stock and they do not even offer a Kerry version. Here is the product description:

Celebrate Democracy and the new America with The ALL-NEW, HILARIOUS PULL MY FINGER President (over 8 inches tall!)! BATTERIES INCLUDED! Pull the finger of this cute characterization of George W. Bush and he'll shake, fart and say 7 wacky phrases and a fart song in the off-beat tradition of our great leader, including:

- (FART) That's what I call the Flatulation Proclamation!
- (FART) America... I just *Bleep* my pants!
- Our nation must come together (FART) to ignite (FART)!
- Osama (FART), Your Mama!
- Hey, Saddam, here's a weapon of mass destruction (FART)!
- Mr. Prime Minister... (FART)!
- Read My Lips...(FART)

PULL MY FINGER¨ President even plays the hit song, FARTS AND STRIPES FOREVER!

Yeh. That's our George; a bit of the spoiled rich kid, a portion of the Deke frat brat with a phony Texas go'olboy overlay. All farts and pussy jokes.

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