
Tuesday, August 31, 2004


My mother always said that what was 'sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander'. I never really figured out what it meant but I think it means that 'now the shoe is on the other foot'. It also goes along with 'if you can't take it don't dish it out'.

This is my reaction now to the RNC. Most friends and relatives are not exposing themselves to any of it. I, on the other hand, dipped my foot (the one with the shoe) in by watching the NBC Morning News today and while I did not get the audio, the images did get to me. Rudy Guiliani will not make it as the Prez. He is too hot. On the other hand, it was interesting to see how 'cool' McCain was. He seemed flat, low energy. Anyway, I was not too disturbed. I loved the appearance of Michael Moore in the USA Today booth. It took up a lot of air time on NBC. Neat-o. Provocateur. That took any real sting out of it for me. He really pissed off a lot of people.

Then I read some of the news. No problem. But then when I got to the lefty blogs I started to get upset. Now I know how the goopers feel when I mock and deride their sad ass candidate; our feckless leader; the frat boy. OK. So will I stop? Nooo. I am only more motivated.

It is really over the top to have the little purple heart bandaids. I can take the general mock but this is general and derides more than Kerry. But, it is how things are now. The bitterness is pretty general. I think that it is really hard to be open and friendly with people who differ on this election. I do not think that I have ever felt this strongly about it before. I was a strong Clintonophile and still am and got upset over what they did to him but I did not generalize it. I still don't. But now, I find that the Kerry smear stuff is just way too much and I cannot understand why anyone would even think about supporting this administration. I don't get it. Period.

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