Saturday, August 21, 2004
I get email from Kerry and his campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill every day. Here is today's incredible message: View the ad by visiting: Today we're calling for all of you to join together and stand with John Kerry. Tell George Bush: stop the smear, get back to the issues.Our campaign has just released a new Internet ad called "Old Tricks" which shows John McCain asking George Bush to apologize for attacking McCain's own heroic record
You know, I liked the speech at the Firemen's convention where he fought back. I love this double whammy ad that not only takes on bush for his role in all of it but actually uses McCain who is one of the most popular politicians in the country on all political sides. I am sure that McCain knew this was going to come out. He is such a double-agent. He did loudly criticize the bushers for not denouncing the swiftboat ad. Well, now we know they helped produce and pay for it! Anyway. Look at this.