
Friday, August 27, 2004


My upper right canine tooth took a walk this week; came right out. Broke off actually. I don't want to get too graphic as it gets some people all queasy like. I don't know why that would be a problem. There is a lot in here that makes even ME queasy, like the election stuff.

So the upper armature is gettin' ready to have a plate. If I lose any more, I will have to ha ha bite the bullet and get a falsie. At my age, I suppose, it is just another piece to fall off during hard operation. I don't intend to slow down, so there will be more, I guess. I am resigned.

I am in superb health and physical condition but the teeth have always been a weak spot. I suppose we are all given at least one physical vulnerability to keep us humble. Mine is my molars. Is that correct? 'Mine is my molar' singular doesn't work. Anyway. It is news and this is for news and rumination. I have the tooth if anyone wants to look at it.

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