Sunday, June 27, 2004
It used to be saidonly last week, actually that liberals, lefties, the demos were wimps, softies; unable to attack and be pro-active; all defensive glop. Well, the worm has turned--into a huge python. Look at our mad-man Michael Mooreone tough dude. Take a listen to Al Gore, former wimp, turned cadenced-shouter. Listen to Howard Dean's voice there in the background. Anger, man. Tired of it. Going after the shitheads who are running the country into the ground.
In today's LA Times Moore is interviewed. Asked if he is preaching to the choir, he said "YES. The choir had become dispirited. I want them energized" and goddam that is what is happening. It is great. Look at the bushies run! The attack machine monopoly is over. And what about the firestorm FAHRENHEIT (indeed) has started. Nationwide. Lot's of non-choir members going too.
You know, they do not like anger. It is the first thing that the bastards go after; playing to the church ladies and the other co-opters. Somewhere along the way, it has become unpatriotic and 'pessimistic' to be angry. Of course, they know, that anger is the first requirement for an energized electorate. They used it themselves with the right wingers and cultural christians. We bought it. How many Demos apologized for Howard Dean? This is a return to our roots. I love it. We'll show you assholes an "energized base".