
Thursday, June 17, 2004


I have only seen this Sean Hannity person a few times. He is sure a good looking guy, but looks can be deceiving. Actually, now that I look at him, there is a smarm and smirk isn't there? He is so annoying, he is almost impossible to watch. The physical beauty fades into his rant where he gets over the top excited and frantic with his need to blast and bloviate . He is one of those guys you have to believe is getting hard and wet with his own intensity. What Jesus' General would call a gladiator; way over the top manliness.

Now, there is a nice takedown of this little weasel on The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read wherein the blustery Sean challenges anyone to show where he has not told the 'truth'. So here are fifteen places the Seanie has lied. Thanks to Atrios for the tip.

Apologies to Cronkite for putting this nasty piece of work on the same day posting. On the other hand, comparisons can make a case for the depths to which teevee news has gone.

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