
Monday, June 28, 2004


So California is setting the stage for a showdown with the Feds and auto industry on the air quality laws and regulations: in Salon: California throws down a global warming gauntlet. A lot of other States are watching the drama. We got one of the good Republicans; he is not being a 'good ol' boy' goin' along. But, he will have to retire his Hummers. He says he will run them on something 'good'.


Boy, do I like Jeff Bridges. He is his own guy. This is a great article: Laid-Back Jeff Bridges, Going Where the Spirit Takes Him. I liked his Daddy and his bro' Beau too. Here he is in SEABISCUIT which I still think should have won one Oscar, but they came in the year of the Hobbit.

Try Jeff Bridges Website It is unique. Handwritten. I have tried to like Bridge's photography but have less success. Nevertheless, the site is worth a stroll through: if only to see a different personal approach. He has a great film resume: IMDb on Jeff Bridges—60 credits.


Someone else wondering about Kerry's ability to fly under the radar of the famous right wing attack machine: I Want My Kerry Hatred! Is the Right slacking off? in The Gadflyer by Paul Waldman, Editor-in-Chief 6.28.04. I have seen some speculation that there will be an attempt to open up Kerry's divorce papers (ala the sex-depraved and disgraced Ryan in Illinois who got dumped for not being vanilla enough—see below). But, I think part of it is that Kerry does not arouse the animus that Clinton did. On the other hand, this Ryan guy was a victim of a newspaper outing. In fact, there is no proof that the allegations were actually true. That does not stop the penis police or the private eyes from looking for dirt to sell papers. I think that Kerry's first wife is on friendly terms. We shall see. I hope that this time is different. Maybe they will go after Heinz. They are already fussing about all that money and what she does with it. Fuss and muss. Dirt.

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