
Tuesday, June 29, 2004


I was bowled over by this data featured in The Baltimore Sun: 60% See handoff as sign of failure, poll shows (thanks to Paul F. Schaller 062904 in The Gadflyer Flytrap column. Amusingly, 75% are happy it is happening anyway. I number myself in that crowd even though I know it is all show and hardly any substance and that Negroponte is a tough guy with a nasty record back in Nicaragua and the martial law is now going to happen under the faux aegis of the new regime but really by us through the back door and it is not going to be over for a long time. I guess there won't be any flight suit and banner on the carrier this time. Bremer almost slinked-slunk? on the plane back to D.C.

And while you are checking Schaller out look at the next item down David Lublin reports on the surprise results in Canada. Not what was expected. Some were concerned about the threat of slowing of stopping the gay marriage movement there. It would seem that is not an issue now.

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