Thursday, May 27, 2004
Jesus' General, has reviewed one of the latest christian sex manuals (052604).
The Married Guy's Guide to Great Sex I can't recommend this Christian sex book enough. I gave it a very favorable review at posted by Gen. JC Christian, PatriotAnd if you click on there is his review right on that Amazon site.
I have voted on this review as a HELPFUL review. 129 people had found this review HELPFUL too. None voted NOT HELPFUL. I bet that these people are also readers of Jesus' General. Perhaps you would like to vote too.
And while you are at it, you will note that the poor bastard that wrote the other rave review has a batch of NOT HELPFUL votes.I bet these are JC's fans as well. I think this means that Jesus' General has his 'finger' on the 'pulse' of christian sexuality. I think you get the picture. A lot of people identify with his view and do not buy the stepford enthusiasms of casual christians just looking for a good time in the sack. They want the spirit to move them.