
Thursday, May 27, 2004


You are what you read. Every so often, I have to do some house-cleaning based on the net links I have given up and new links that I am trying out or have adopted as daily reading.

Today I have taken down two links that I do not use anymore: Wikipedia and The New Republic. Wikipedia is the community-written encyclopedia. It has a daily item which I was going to for awhile. Yawn. Vaporish. Thin. I have tried out items and have a feeling that some of 'it' is unreliable. Remember that a camel is a horse invented by a committee. I am back to the World Book that came with my machine.

TNR-The New Republic is just not there for me. No criticism. I thought I had an interest but I notice that I have never signed up for the $ version and that is not a good sign. I am not miserly; I have Salon Premium and the Wall Street Journal which costs up the nose. Let's say I am prudent.

The links that I have put up, on the list at the upper right, have become daily stops for me; occasionally I dip in again in the pee emm. The Smirking Chimp is a great 'summary' site. There are captures of commentary from all over (today Africa) and links to the 'more' of the article if you want it. There are a lot of these each day. More than enough to keep you interested. All of the material is 'anti-smirk' so I do not know what these folks will do when Kerry becomes President. We should worry.

Another 'summary' blog that I have come to rely on very heavily is Eschaton by Atrios. Short comments with hot links. Very good, very rich, and very reliable as a resource of late-breaking stuff.

Finally, you have seen a lot of Jesus' General lately. I would like to deconstruct the site and discuss the General's flawlessly consistent persona and all; but it would spoil the fun. I laugh my ass off at this site. Of course, before you get the wrong impression, I should tell you that this is just giggling in church. I also take the General's message very seriously. I try to take away a strong spiritual message from each item and apply these lessons in my daily life. I need some help to stay on the straight and narrow just like anyone else. This is important, especially since, unlike JC, I AM a homosexual!! I do not have any gladiator films in my library but there are some wrestling videos. Manly stuff. They keep me at a 10 on the Scale of Absolute Gender. It is the Kinsey scale that I am shaky on. I think I might be on the other side of that one.

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