Wednesday, April 07, 2004
pol polls
Interesting. In the Washington Post Campaign Report (an email special) they point out that bush' ratings are down because of the Iraq situation and not because of the economy; where Kerry was thought to have the most leverage.
Kerry has not missed this. Today, he started in attacking the current plans to turn Iraq over June 30 (which will be purely ceremonial as we are not leaving or letting go of anything). He is also intensely critical of all the rest of the fantasy management decisions; how they are totally dissonant with the reality. I think Kerry really has traction on this.
Bush was going to be the strong war-time leader. Now he has what he wanted. The bushies never seem to get that gestures do not work. You gotta deliver. He chose his ground and the ground is slipping. Check out Kos (see link upper right) for Wednesday Polls and meta-polls and the meaning of it all.
And while the war opens up as a legitimate topic of debate, Kerry makes a thoughtful and coherent speech on the economy. The election 'war' now has two fronts.