Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I don't know a whole lot about Howard Stern and what I do know about him is all hearsay rather than first hand info; but some people, that I respect, consider him a revolutionary genius in the mold of Frank Zappa and other bomb throwers of recent memory; riffing his way to a new way of seeing the world and stuff. The 'shock jocks' actually seem to be the people who emulate Stern without the IQ or the creativity. He is the original. Smut there is; but where there is smut there is fire! (I just made that up).
Nevertheless, there is a great piece in the LATimes: Peril in the Air For Bush: Howard Stern in which the author tells us that Howard is pissed 'big time' (to use the big dick's turn of phrase) at all the bushies for the harrassment he feels he is recieving and is now using his show as an anti-bush crusade. He calls junior "Mr Jesus". Take a look at the article or go listen to Stern. He has a huge audience of a crucial demographic in all the major markets and these people listen to him as the dittoheads follow the fat drug addict. What is more, they vote and influence others.
You have to register for this but you should anyhow. You do it once, tell your computer to take the cookie. They will not send you anything else. It is a good paper. Way better than the the Boston Globe (no contest actually) and is rapidly gaining or catching up to the sinking NY Times.