Wednesday, April 21, 2004
The New Yorker has its annual humor issue this week or last week; we get a long mail lag from the east where it is printed. It is pretty good and features a great profile of Aaron McGruder the cartoon Daddy of Boondocks which is a daily read for me. The article is on line, at least for now at PROFILES: The Radical. He is quite a guy; a bad boy. I like bad boys. They do not polish him up for us.
And while you are at the The New Yorker, in the same issue, there is an upsetting review of the Farrelly Brothers' plan to do a Three Stooges update: DEPT. OF SCREENWRITING: Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk!. While certain aspects of their concern in doing such a thing are evident and reassuring, the whole deal of adapting and resetting great works of art is very unsettling to me. I wrote about it recently. Sure, you could say it is a 'homage' or a 'tribute'. But, putting a dog turd in a woman's mouth and having a new Moe comment on it or having the boys pull on each other's pubic hair rather than use a trademark poke in the eye is not a homage. It is just plain profiteering and wallowing in the mire. I won't go see it. But I digress. The article does have a nice concise history of the actual Stooges, all six of them! Oh, and the other thing that pissed me off is that they want to have that awful Russell Crowe as Curly. Sucks!