
Friday, April 09, 2004


Here is my take on yesterday's Rice testimony: she was a consummate game player; surround-sound. She was a wall of sound with words and figures of speech which left the listener in a backwash of 'what?'. This is always effective when under interrogation; put them to sleep; confound them metaphor; make them think that you might be smarter than they are.

Now, there are those who will defend this new mandarin-speak as reflective of the complex world of national security and I can only say that if Condi talks to junior this way, there is no chance that he will understand squat. No wonder everyone sat around reading reports. They were waiting for the frat prez to get through the prose.

I await the long suppressed 080601 memo from the CIA that entitled: Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S. It is not a good sign when a performance designed to put doubt to rest raises new dust.

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