Friday, April 16, 2004
When we moved here seven years ago, we got some help cleaning the house. Don't misunderstand, we are committed house cleaners; we just don't translate that commitment into consistent action! We mean well; there is talk about the strategy and tactics of approaching the job (you do the wets and I will do the dries); then, a good movie comes along or we need to take a walk. Or, we get busy with other stuff and simply forget. The dust collects.
In our 'in-between' year in Boston, we had a four room apartment and we did pretty well with it; no outside help. When we left, we had to confront the truth of our situation; the accumulation of dust bunnies underneath things was a bit of a shock. The accumulated grease in the kitchen was an occasion for shame. The areas that never got scrubbed or vacuumed loomed large without any furniture to cast a shadow. How could we have lived in this sty?
So, we arrived in the desert with hard data about our own cleaning capabilities; committed, but clearly not capable. Celia joined us and we began a nice relationship that has lasted longer than most such arrangements. Then, recently, there were some clunks and clanks in the process. Appointments were missed, phone calls made and not recieved; the usual signs of dysfunction. We took action; a talk here, another talk there; to no avail. It came time for change. No one was happy so why keep it going?
I have a theory that any service relationship is doomed from the start. I learned this from the other side. It was rare for clients to last more than 5-7 years; most less than that. In five or six (or seven!) years things get taken for granted; little annoyances mount up; the shape of the relationship changes as life happens to each party. Fatigue. Wear and tear. This has always happened in our company and in our house. Lawyers, accountants, plumbers; all of it. Now cleaners.
It is not an easy thing to come to terms with change. Denial haunts every observation and consideration. The risks of the unknown new thing are high. How do we find someone else? How will we know that they are OK? And so on.
In our case, we have learned that the best way to find someone new is to ask someone else who has suffered the slings and arrows of the 'service industry'. Our friend Dan is the PA for a couple who have been 'service users' in the desert for a long time. Further, they are perfectionists. We called Dan, Dan spoke to Sharon, we got sent to Marisol who was billed as methodical, meticulous, thorough, having a good sense of humor and a willingness to work; sounded like our kind of woman. We had a little talk and we hired Mari straight on. She has been at it for three weeks and is making a great start. There are a few things. We like the toilet paper roll to go over the top and not the bottom; we have to get her re-trained in that one. Also John has his own bed changing routine which even I am not capable of doing. Mari is mastering that. Otherwise, working for Sharon is the best training ground anyone can have. Marisol says "perfecto" and smiles that winner of a grin.
The most important test was passed the first day. Franklin adores her. He follows Mari from room to room and has to be shooed away when it is time to mop. The nicest sight is to see them going down the hall together; Franklin gazing up at Mari and her fingers lightly scratching his head. Today it seems as if we will all be together forever.
Too much of anything, even a good thing, is not a good thing. I am an addict in all my affairs. The Gaza entry took me over the edge. I have been way too preoccupied with the pols and their tricks. It is cyclic for me. I get all disengaged and then something happens like the blatant lies at the 9-11 Commission or somebody's book reveals more skullduggery and I am off and running. When I find that I am caught up in some business that has been footballed for almost my entire lifetime–Gaza/West Bank; I realize, whoa, let's back off a little here.
But before I give my ranting up entirely or even for the day, which is more likely, I noticed this. All of a sudden the bushers are thinking about a 'pre-empt' of the Commission by proposing an Intelligence Czar and suddenly will have a demo of a secure train station in Maryland. Looks good on paper and re-election ads. Between the quadrennial election cycle and my rants, maybe there is some good being done. I will stay at it, just mellow it a little here and there.