Saturday, April 17, 2004
Here comes Bob Woodward with his book and the drum beats are beginning. Just what the bushies need; a new set of revelations. Seems that BW's first bushbook was kinda nice so they let him into the tent again. Mistake.
The NYTimes today has: Powell Said to Have Warned Bush Book Says headline this morning. And speculates that Powell cooperated with Woodward.
Gee, we just finished watching ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN so we know that Woodward is a reliable source even though he 'builds' the story with reconstructed interviews these days. Nothing like what he had to do to 'prove it' on the newspage. I have to remember being upset at his Clinton book. Yet, it is heartwarming to see some of the Republican chickens coming home to roost.
More on the Korean impeachment thing in the NYTimes this morning: Impeachment Case to go Forward In Seoul.