
Tuesday, March 09, 2004


OK, so there are conjunctions. I have been on my present workout regimen for about ten months; maybe a year. I have gotten great results. I have more muscularity than ever and that includes 'the early years'. Well maybe not the few I had trainer Bob in Boston and was running; but that was more about lean muscle and a lot of vascularity.

Now, I have peaked out. I am suddenly not lifting the incrementally added weight. And more disturbing, I feel like I do not want to. Not in that lazy don't want to go to the gym way. I almost always want to go to the gym. It is more the lack of motive. It is just not there. The need to add muscle.

About the same time, in about three places, I found myself reading some good articles on plateaus. I have hit one that is for sure. They said: "it is OK! relax; you made it". Do I want more? No? Not really. I am happy where I am. Yes.Then, they say "don't worry, get happy"; "get a new workout that respects the fact that you are THERE. And stay with it. Vary it. Work for fun rather than profit". It is almost certain that given the hard work and the present condition, it is possible to keep the conditioning I have with even less effort.

So, today, I upped to a new MensHealth workout. There are many to choose from. If you want to look for yourself go to MensHealth Personal Trainer. Many of the exercises are different and they promise to vary it. The big change; it is six days; every day weight and cardio. I have been going in 5 and doing a bike the 6th, one day off. That means that I start to go Saturdays. But the length of the workout is less. I will give it a try. I love MensHealth. I let them put my picture on the Cyrillic edition.

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