Monday, March 22, 2004
This is the first in a long time that I do not feel outraged at something. I am outflanked by the pedestrian nature of the news or perhaps so over-the-topped by it I am numb to the headlines. I am not upset that the Feds tracked Kerry for a year; or that the White House dismisses their own guy when he says they wanted to pin 9-11 on Iraq from the beginning; or even that they are now doctoring tapes to get out disinfo about the Kerry campaign. What else is new?
And the same goes for the rest of the world. The Israelis finally killed the Hamas monster which will unleash even further violence. Another member of the Afghan cabinet has been killed. The war in Iraq continues unabated.
I am not worried about it. I am not in a protest mode. And it is only March. I am waiting for the next big thing. I figure that all of the distortion and disinformation in the world cannot turn the economy or unemployment picture around. I am not the only one that 'lost' a lot of retirement nest egg the last few weeks; while the administration played hardball politics rather than doing their job.
No one is going to do anything for nine months. We did get the second Repub senator to say the truth; which is that Kerry is not soft on defense. Did any Demos say so? Or our elected party leaders are still looking for their balls somewhere. OK. I feel it coming back. A little outrage. I knew that if I started to type, I would get back on track. I will keep working on it. Aaarrgh! Here. Help me get my pants off.