Thursday, March 18, 2004
Michelangelo Signorile has a great column today: Crooked Fingers Pointing. The inventor of 'outing' (sorta) Mike is a no holds barred kind of guy. Most of his writing is on gay issues but today his thoughts are exactly mine on the latest Repub-hypocrisies.
This one is good because my man Mike spills a lot of beans on the un-mentioned family members Bro Neil and twins Jemma and Barb. We wondered where all this info was and now we have found out. Family values. Crooked? Lying?
And while we are on it, how about that big dick Cheney with his attack on Kerry's ability to lead in time of war. And Rove's brag about how the 'attack machine' can anticipate every speech Kerry makes and have ads in place BEFORE the event undermining it. And so on. It is nasty stuff. Rove and Cheney and the puppet bush. Blah blah. Maybe I will just go into hibernancy for all this shit.
I get all riled. This morning I was listening to how the evangelicals are pouring into Iraq and converting the masses to their religous point of view. Bread and bibles. It is an old sad story. And then we say that this is not a religous war. Oil. Bible belting. And oh yes, draft dodging.