
Thursday, March 18, 2004


It is with great pleasure that I note the web-resurrection of the famed 'zine The Harold Herald. HH was the original blog. A blog before its time. Now it is presented to us in its natural blogospheric milieu: The Harold Herald.

Its eponymous Editor Hal Phillips has christened the blog with an inaugural article Christian Outing. You can find it under the date March 14th, 2004. It seems that one of the christer outfits in Maine decided to go for 'outing' public figures as part of its 'punish gays' outreach projects. Christians are always looking for ways to 'do what the master would do".

For a few days there was quite a stir over the possibility that the homos had really taken over; that the gay agenda had been completed up there in the northeast corner.

Suddenly and inexplicably, the campaign was called off. We can only surmise that the perps discovered outing to be a two way street. It is an axiom that every gay bash and every gay bar raid and every attempt to unmask the faggots ALWAYS yields a few closet cases in the process; an evangelical minister here, a right wing republican congressman there. Perhaps the outing research included a few of the namers as well as the named. Perhaps 'the gays' reminded the blue noses that two sides can play the same game. Happily, they put a sock on it. Sadly, this great article that Hal wrote had to be put aside because the enemy had left the field.

Oh yes. I know about the word 'eponymous'. You may think it backward; that the blog is eponymitic; named after Hal. No. In this case, Hal was named for the zine! But, nevermind. As I get the Merriam Webster out, I see that, both entities are eponymous.

Main Entry: epon·y·mous Pronunciation: i-'pä-n&-m&s, Function: adjective: of, relating to, or being an eponym
You go look up eponym. I already have.

Another thing. I accept it as a tribute to esrosedotblog that Hal and his talented staff* have chosen the same stock template that we use here.

*DISCLOSURE: The Harold Herald web manager (or some other cyberish title)is closely related to the Prez of esrosedotblog. Be assured that they have never discussed the Herald or this blog's positions regarding it. Well, maybe a few times, but never the actual content. And that only when there was a complaint about the obvious appropriation of the esrosedotblog template. That is graphics though and not editorial stuff. But they have not talked of it since; unless you count the time esrdb asked about the Herald's web address. And so on. So there is no undue influence. It is all cool.

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