Friday, March 26, 2004
We say goodbye to one link today. Here is your chance to bookmark The Borowitz Report. He is 'not as funny' as he used to be. Actually, I suspect that he is as funny as he has always been; but this type of humor wears thin once you get the guy's aim and style. What was sudden and surprising; the juxtapositions of headlines; is now predictable or doesn't have the thump that it did.
At the same time I add another three blogs of a political nature.
Slate News and Politics has a nice range of topics and viewpoints to choose from; most of them from the left side of the ledger. It also provides a very handy summary of what the newspapers and, on Saturday, the magazines are headlining. We can't read everything.
You might also like the blog Josh Marshall Talking Points. Marshall analyzes. He gets below the scruffy surface and finds nuggets to work with and maul around.
I am very excited about a new site with a variety of lefty writers with BITE: The Gadflyer: The Agressive Progressive; mostly Thomas Schaller (my mother's family name; we might be related!) and some really good 'guest' writers. Enjoy. Rev up. Get Ready for the big one.