Sunday, March 21, 2004
We are on high skunk alert this morning. It is either RED LEVELor maybe it is ORANGE LEVEL. I am pretty sure that it is not–what is the next one? YELLOW LEVEL?. Call that bulldog looking guy Tom Ridge and find out what the deal is.
We woke up and as I meandered through the first steps I smelled it. He has been or is or will be in the area. Franklin was laid out. But as I rubbed his belly he got conscious and smelled it too. UP. We went out to pee and I took the precaution of the LONG leash–not the short one–I guess that means we are not RED. That would be the short one.
We went to the back yard and he did his thing. I watched the perimeter. No action, but the unmistakable smell. Intelligence reports tell us that the smell is the first thing you notice.
We made it inside safely and started breakfast but then Franklin began his long wandering lope from door to window to door around the interior. Groaning. There is no describing Franklin's groan; a sort of low pitched keening-grunting-drone. It is like he is complaining.
So far there are no sightings and no contact with the enemy. We are on the alert though. IF someone would just tell us what color it is.