Wednesday, February 18, 2004
It is interesting to watch the narrowing foothold for the bigots and christers who resist the inevitable acceptance of gay rights in whatever you want to call it--marriage or union. Even Jesse Jackson, now in the long slide into post-demagogic oblivion, weighs in with his quaint notion that gays do not have the same human rights 'potential' as blacks. Jesse lives in a narrow vision world where there are no gay blacks. He is so out of touch with the world and himself. And since it has been all about him, all the time, he is massively in limbo now; there is no him there. I have never liked or appreciated him but could pass on the details as he did 'the Lord's work'. I do not want to kick anyone when they are down but Jesse, get outta here with that!
I had a bad time there for awhile thinking that we had left the State where gay rights in marriage or union would be decided for once and for all. NOW look at California! While the Bay Staters work out the language and good fortune to them, we are marrying them left and right in the County and City of San Francisco in a major test of the Prop 22 Marriage Defense act out here.
The response of the government to the outraged and blindsided fundies is neat to watch. The judges fail to consider it all an emergency, thus allowing days and days of more marriages to get consummated and even our new Governor has given the required defense of the law statement in the most tepid terms. SO. Keep on keepin' on Massachusetts, we will meet you at the courthouse; the Supremes!
Sad to see it all wind down like this but now he can play kingmaker. He may not have enough to make it but he has a lot to push the outcome. I still hope to vote for Dean on March 2d. But, if he is formally out of it I will go the way the wind goes. I probably do-not-like Kerry less than I do-not-like Edwards; the south in the mouth guy. God knows I love southern boys, I have one at home! But there is something a bit forced about all that 'pone. Edwards wins on affability and his stump talents but I am not impressed with his real weight. His idea that successful courtroom experience makes him presidential is not very persuasive.