
Thursday, February 12, 2004


Click the BOONDOCKS link to the right! Today's panel has more to keep us 'abreast' (wink/nudge) of the sports entertainment scene. If you are doing this a day or more late, use the archives for 021204 for the one I am citing. Siting?

I love Boondocks. It took me awhile to get with it. I am not sure why. Not racial bias certainly. Nooooooo. But once I got directed to its web location, it became a daily thing for me. Sometimes it is a bit too black for me to 'get it' but if I work at it, I guess get a little blacker too; 'cause then the next time I get it.

I am not a comics page guy. I read ZITS every day because it is at right top in the LATimes Comics. Easy.

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