
Thursday, February 26, 2004


Today was checkup day at the dentist. Doctor Mike was ready with his magic ultrasound cleanup tools. I go in every four months because I am on the edge. Mike hasn't told me what I am on the edge of, but I trust his judgement.

Today's haul for the vacation fund (Mike's) was the cleaning itself, a full set of x-rays, and a future promise of three fillings. He will not travel far on this but everything helps. Actually, he told me that he was giving me the PIA discount.(Pain In the Ass-adds 20%).

Dr. Mike leaves 'em laughing and he is a great dentist. Anyone who can keep my teeth going for 7 years after another Doc's doomsday forecast is my man. He works alone. No second bananas. Theory is that he sees the whole thing and can respond more proactively. I believe him.

I went to a series of one-man operations for most of my life; then got into two hygienist-based places. The doc was an afterthought in both although one hygienist was so good she did a lot of the dentist's work for him. Not here. It is all Mike. The other advantage of the one-man op is the economic model. It IS less expensive. Mrs. Mike runs the office and, I suspect, Mike himself. I enjoy it all which is saying something isn't it? It being the dentist and all.

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