
Saturday, February 14, 2004


I took yesterday off. I think that is the first time. When I set out to do this, I imagined a daily report or comment or 'whatever'. The 'whatever' part had been a cinch and, up to now, the daily has been easy to do and not a burden.

Why a day off now? Is the blog suddenly a burden? No. The day merely got complicated. I am an orderly guy and when the 'natural' order goes awry I have to rearrange a new order. The domino theory becomes a reality.

The big dislocator was a decision to go to a real movie in the afternoon. No choices in that. The times are set and they are a bit odd or, worse, at odds with my convenience. I would not get home until 5; meaning that my dinner prep would have to be done before the movie. That, in turn, dislodged the times for other things. I had to exchange the morning for the afternoon Franklin walks with John; other stuff.

Something had to give. The blog won. On the other hand there have been no complaints from my three readers so I guess it is OK. I am back

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