Tuesday, February 10, 2004
The primary has become a blur to me, now that Dean has faded out. It seems over and it really has not started. I do not vote until March 2d and I have already lost interest in it. I took a blog day off yesterday to reflect on it.
I am glad about a few things. They are thumping on george instead of each other. They have lost that spineless, deer-in-the-headlights thing. I am glad that Dean is holding on. I want to be able to vote for him, at least.
I cannot get interested in Kerry except for the larger non-bush reason. On the other hand he might be resurrectable. He doesn't look as dead on his feet as he used to. Many times the Office has made the man. Maybe the run will make the man and send him into office. I do believe that the primary process is an excellent prep for the big one. Look what it has done for all the Demos.There is no training period for george; he is just sitting in his glass bubble.
Come March 2d I will cast my vote for Dean, then join the march to the White House. Anyone but george. The California Demos called the other day for money. Even the caller seemed dispirited. But I am probably projecting. In either case, I passed. And so on.