
Saturday, February 28, 2004


I am typing this on my standby laptop so that I get some time on the smaller keyboard and have a chance to get all the password stuff ready in case there is a seismic event on my eMac.

In addition, I am giving yet another trial to wireless computing in the house. We got the MacAirport thing and I seldom use it. Either the light is 'wrong' in other places in the house or I don't have a comfortable spot to sit or........I dunno. I am not in the habit of doing this 'everywhere' and when I come right down to it, why did I think it would be so great to be computing everywhere anyway?

Well, I have typed an item; and I have the practice and the fingers are actually aclimated to the smaller keyboard already. But, I do not have the answer to the other questions. Why am I doing this in some discomfort at the dining room table? I have never liked using a lap top on my LAP! And so what is the big deal with wireless? Uh huh. OK, over and out.

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